Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Low, low, low RATES

Are at an all time LOW!! Now is the time to buy the house you've been dreaming of! Currently rates are 4% for a 30 year fixed conventional loan. The 20 year average rate is 6.93% To break it down simply, if you borrow $300,000 from the bank your montly payment including principal and interest only will be:
4% - $1432.25.
5% - $1610.46
6% - $1798.65
6 7/8 - $1970.79
If you buy now and lock in an interest rate of 4% you will save big time bucks over the life of the loan.
4% vs 5%- You save $178.21 each month, $2138.52 each year and $64,155 over the life of the loan!
4% vs 6%- You save $366.40 each month, $4396.80 each year and $131,904 over the life of the loan!
4% vs 6 7/8% (the average interest rate over the last 20 years)-
You save $538.54 each month, $6462.48 each year, and $193,874 over the life of the loan!
There has never been a better time to buy or refinance!

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