Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Bye Bye 2011
Thank you!

Thursday, November 17, 2011
Holiday Home Buying/Selling
During these busy times with family many potential sellers do not want to have the inconvenience of keeping their homes spic and span and having to decline showings because of the Christmas dinner party they are hosting. This is good because there are LESS homes that your home has to compete with than in the traditional "busy season" (spring and summer). There are also LESS buyers in the market, this is good because quality is better than quantity. The buyers that are taking time out from their holiday festivities to shop for homes are most likely ready, willing and able buyers.
If you are a buyer it's the perfect time because there are not as many buyers in the market, this is great because you aren't competiting in such a fierce market. The homes that come on the market and are in great condition, location and priced according to the market will go quickly. The bottom line is the seller's are motivated to sell, buyers are motivated to buy. Not to mention this season the interest rates are at historical lows, which is a great thing for everyone!
If you are or someone you know is looking to buy or sell in this holiday season, give me a call and I'll be happy to assist you!
Friday, November 4, 2011
New Listing-Woodlands West
New Listing-Creekside of Aledo

Friday, October 14, 2011
North Texas Real Estate Stats
According to the North Texas Real Estate Information Service (NTREIS) YTD summary thru September 2011 (which includes 50 counties in the North Texas MLS area):
Single family dwelling sales are down 3% over the last year with no change in dollar volume. The average sales price is up 2% to $199,610. Sales for the month of September were up 14%.
Farm/Ranch sales show a 4% increase, dollar volume is down 7% and the average sales price is down 10% to $306,982. Sales for September were up 3%.
Rentals are up 14%, dollar volume is up 19% and the average rental price is up 5% to $1427. Rentals for the month of September are up 19%.
Lots & Acreage sales are up across the board with sales increasing 4%, Dollar Volume Increasing 13% and Average Sales Price increase of 8% to $123,274. September sales remained the same.
Commercial Sales are up in all 3 categories, Sales Volume is up 7%, Dollar Volume increased 9%and an increase in average price to $171,615. September sales are down 2%.
Overall you can see that the market in North Texas is doing very well, especially when compared to the national real estate market. It is still a fantastic time to buy, sell and invest in real estate in North Texas. If you want to know what your current home value is, give me a call and I will be happy to assist you.
Waste Transfer Station in Aledo
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
5 Credit Myths

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
On Demand Hot Water Heater
The benefits
1. Increased efficiency – on demand heaters heat only when hot water is needed which leads to dramatic energy savings.
2. Provide a never ending source of hot water.
3. Precise water temperature set with digital thermostat.
4. The tanks can be located near the destination of the water to reduce the run for the water and in turn reducing the wait time for hot water. Visit for more information.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Aledo Home Statistics
Here are some real estate statistics for homes in the Aledo ISD within the last 6 months:
There are currently 210 homes active on the market in Aledo.
The average size is 3000 square feet on 2 acres.
The average list price is $375,446.
There have been 160 sold properties within the last 6 months.
The average size of the sold properties is 2931 on 1.5 acres
Average sold price is $293,8663.
Average days on the market is 137.
Summary. Aledo is not only a great place to live it's a great place to buy and sell real estate. Now is a great time to do so, with interest rates as low as they are the opportunity is there! Let me know if I can answer any additional questions about the school district, current market conditions or assist you with your move. I'd be happy to!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Is your insurance policy up to date?

At least once a year you should revaluate your homeowner's insurance coverage. Here are some items to think about:
1. Can you rebuild all, not just part of, your house?
Make sure that your home owners insurance pays you for the full cost of rebuilding. Just because your home's value has gone down doesn't mean that the cost of materials & labor have gone down as well. In fact, over the last year building costs have gone up. Make sure your home owners insurance pays you for full rebuilding costs in the event of a disaster.
2. Check your flood insurance
Flood insurance is not usually part of a standard home owners policy. Home owners should check the FEMA maps frequently as they are constantly being revised. You can check your property by clicking
3. What's new in your life?
Did you add items to the property in the past year such as add a swimming pool, playground, trampoline. These things may change your liablity needs. Are you recently divorced, and you got the house, make sure your ex-spouse's name is off the policy. Talk to your agent and compare your life status this year with last year's to update your home owners insurance.
4. Maybe your valuables are worth more
Your art, jewelry, antiques, and other collectibles may have appreciated in value over the years. If your home owners insurance policy doesn't have accurate values on these items, your company may not reimburse you for the full value in the event of fire or other home disaster.
5. Tally up any home improvements
Have you made any renovations or additions to the home, such as an expanded garage, new bathroom, or home theater in the basement? Your house may now be worth more and your home owners insurance needs to reflect that. Create a home inventory video and keep it in a safe place outside the home.
6. Give your trees the once-over
Hire an arborist to look at the trees on your property, and check with your home owners insurance agent to see if your policy covers you if one of your trees falls on the neighbor's car. An arborist can tell you if your trees are healthy and advise whether they should be removed or trimmed.
7. Watch the nickels and dimes
Hunt for any special discounts that can reduce your home owners insurance premiums. For example, you may be eligible for a discount if you have an automobile or valuable articles policy with the same company has your home owners insurance policy.
These home features can also give you discounts on your home owners insurance--but only if your insurer knows you have them:
Burglar or fire alarms
Gated community patrol service
Storm shutters
Temperature monitoring system to protect against freezing, connected to a central station alarm
Permanently installed, electrical back-up generator
Referenced article from the National Association of Realtors, House Logic Richard J. Koreto
Friday, August 19, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Low, low, low RATES
4% - $1432.25.
5% - $1610.46
6% - $1798.65
6 7/8 - $1970.79
If you buy now and lock in an interest rate of 4% you will save big time bucks over the life of the loan.
4% vs 5%- You save $178.21 each month, $2138.52 each year and $64,155 over the life of the loan!
4% vs 6%- You save $366.40 each month, $4396.80 each year and $131,904 over the life of the loan!
4% vs 6 7/8% (the average interest rate over the last 20 years)-
You save $538.54 each month, $6462.48 each year, and $193,874 over the life of the loan!
There has never been a better time to buy or refinance!
Friday, July 22, 2011
FHA vs Conventional Loans

3.5% down with monthly mortgage insurance, typically a good way to go being a first time homebuyer. Has an excellent and typically easier to close when compared to a conventional loan that is needing mortgage insurance. FHA will allow properties with agriculture exemption and acreage. The 3.5% and closing cost can be in the form of a gift and the seller can pay up to 6% in closing cost. The mortgage lender can also help pay for some of the closing cost, this is called premium pricing. Minimal credit score of 600 with additional underwriting requirements, otherwise, a 640 is required.
5% down with monthly mortgage insurance, conventional will allow a monthly payment without mortgage insurance as long as the borrower puts down 20%. The seller will have to come up with the down payment out of their own funds and the seller can pay up to 3% in closing cost assistance. A minimal score of 620 is required on a conventional loan.
If you have additional questions or want to see about getting pre-qualified for a loan feel free to give Eric a call at 817-596-7878 or visit Primelending's website by clicking here
Thursday, July 14, 2011
114 Oakwood Creek Lane
302 Billo Ct.
Thursday, July 7, 2011

What can you do to maintain foundation & prevent problems?
-When watering, or when it rains make sure that the drainage flows away from the foundation. Water should never "pool" around your foundation. Too much water is just as damaging as not enough. Also the soil level should not extend above the bricks.
-Make sure that gutters and downspouts direct rain water away from the foundation.
-Large trees or shrubs can consume tremendous amounts of water and should not be planted next to foundation. Do not allow the roots of large trees to extend under foundations.
-Water your foundation. Water should be applied in a systematic manner using automatic sprinkler system or a soaker hose. During the summer this should be done a couple of times a week. Don't forget to keep it moist in the winter, too.
What are some common signs of foundation problems?
-Cracks above doors and windows
-Doors and windows that are harder to open
-Obvious slopes in floors
-Cracks in bricks that follow a stair step pattern (this is usually a sure sign of foundation issues)
-Washed out spots under foundation that leave foundation exposed
If you notice any of the above in your home, call a foundation company to come out and take a look. They will tell you if any work is needed and give you property specific instructions on how to maintain your slab.
I reccomend MBR Foundation, they have been around for over 35 years and are honest, trustworthy and guarantee their work.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Lower Utility Bills Top 10
It's summer time in Texas and that means one's HOT! I thought a post about the top 10 ways to lower your utility rates. When doing research it made me realize a couple things that I can be doing as well.
Set Your Air Conditioner For 78 Degrees or Higher
If you are someone who loves the house at 70 degrees, you may want to rethink that idea during the summer months. Since an air conditioner cools at the same rate no matter the setting, think about how much more energy you’re using to cool it down to 70 degrees especially when it is reaching the upper 90’s outside. With that being said, the “industry recommended” minimum temperature is 78 degrees during the summer months. By sticking to these guidelines, you’ll stay cool (enough) and will help maximize your energy savings.
Programmable Thermostat
According to the website, you can save about $180 annually by using a programmable thermostat (Note: this figure only applies if using the thermostat correctly). Programming temperature changes throughout the day will allow you to maximize the usage of an air conditioner to coincide with the outside conditions (night vs. day). It will also help you by automatically adjusting the temperature up when you are away at work or school (no sense in cooling an empty house for 8+ hours a day). If you are forgetful like me, this tool is an easy way to automate your savings. Just don’t forget to change the programming for each season!
Air Conditioner Maintenance/Filters
Proper maintenance of your air conditioning can ensure that your system will operate at its optimal efficiency level. The more efficiently it runs the less energy/money you waste. The best time to maintain your system is in the winter or spring, before the heavy usage of the summer. You might even get a better deal this time of year since the a/c repair guys aren’t as busy. Proper maintenance can also prevent many small problems from becoming big, expensive ones later. In addition, change your air filters monthly. A dirty air filter can cost you money because it blocks the air flow, causing your unit to work harder to push cool air through your home. A clean air filter will save you money on energy costs and prolong the life of your air conditioner.
Start Grilling
With your a/c working overtime to cool the house down just from the heat outside, why add even more heat in the kitchen? There are two easy suggestions. First, use a crockpot or toaster oven instead of the oven or stove. They use less energy and they don’t pump as much heat into the kitchen. Second, since it’s a little cooler in the evenings get outside and grill. In addition to energy savings, grilling is also a healthier and quicker way to eat – it’s a win-win!
Ceiling Fans
Fans are an efficient way to make a room comfortable without having to lower the temperature. The air circulation they provide evaporates moisture on your skin, causing you to feel cooler. The combination of fan use and prudent management of your a/c settings will result in overall energy savings. If you do not have ceiling fans, they can be easily installed in any room with an overhead light. You can pick them out at your local Home Depot or Lowes for less than $100 (or more if you want a fancy one).
Use Shades/Blinds
One way to cool your house is by not letting the heat in. Shades and/or blinds provide a great barrier to the outside heat, and not require any electricity usage. If you currently have shades in your home then during the day, remember to keep them closed, especially when the sun is beating down in the afternoon. If you do not have shades or blinds in your home, they can get pretty expensive, so at least try to cover the windows that get the most sun exposure. Another option is solar screens, which block out 90% of the UV rays while still allowing you to see out your windows.
Plant Shrubs/Shrubs
Another way to save on energy costs is to create shade around your home by planting trees or shrubs. It is best to plant them near windows and on the sunnier side of your home. Just be sure to plant them at least one foot away from your home’s wall and from any full grown plants. In addition to planting them around your home, you can also save money by planting them around your air conditioning units. A shaded unit can actually improve its efficiency by as much as 10% compared to a unit in direct sun. Just be sure not to plant too close to where they can block the unit’s airflow.
Seal Up Your Home
Your home could be losing electricity through air leaks in doors or windows and through bad insulation. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save as much as 30% of energy usage through proper insulation and air sealing. That could be a nice savings off your bill, especially during the hot summer months! In order to see if your home is losing electricity, you should conduct a home energy audit. This is something you can do yourself or you can hire someone to do this for you. If you choose to do the audit yourself, then you may want to check out Do It Yourself Home Energy Assessments. There is information that can help guide you through your own energy assessment.
Change Laundry Habits
First, wash clothes in cold water. It will save on the energy required to create more hot water. Another idea is to dry your clothes at night. When drying your clothes during the day, the dryer exhaust heats up the house, which in turn causes your air-conditioner to run more. By operating your dryer at night, the house won’t heat up as much and you save on your cooling bill.
Switch to a Lower Electric Rate
The easiest way to lower your electric bill is by switching to a lower electric rates. Since the Texas electricity market has become deregulated, many companies are able to offer competitive pricing for consumers. When you’re shopping for a lower electric rate, decide if you want to power your home with a fixed or month-to-month energy plan. A fixed plan will enable customers to lock down a low rate for a fixed term while a month-to-month plan gives customers the ability to take advantage of energy rates as they drop.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Villages of Aledo
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Sweet Sink
the rod iron sink, it is the perfect touch to this half bathroom!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Parker County Mama
Monday, June 13, 2011
Pool or No Pool?

1. How long are we planning on living in this home? Plans change all the time, before you invest several thousand dollars in to building that dream pool you should make sure that you will be there long enough to enjoy it. The last thing you want to do is build a pool this summer, only to move the next.
2. Where does my house fall in my neighborhood? Are you the biggest, nicest home in your neighborhood? If so you might want to reconsider investing more money into it. If you are the average sized home in a neighborhood and you plan on living there for five or more years, it's probably a great investment!
3. Don't expect to get your money back when you sell. Build a pool so you can enjoy it, but don't build one expecting to increase the price of your home.
4. The value a pool brings depends on the buyer. Pools in Texas are usually a great selling point, some buyer's specifically look for a property that already has a pool. However, some buyer's will not purchase a home simply because it has a pool, while others are willing to pay more for a home with a pool.
All in all, summer memories playing in the pool are priceless and putting in a pool is a great decision for many families. Pools provide great entertainment during these hot Texas summers. Just make sure that before you jump in you have realistic expectations of your investment.
If you are thinking about putting in a pool and you want to know where your house falls in the neighborhood, give me a call I'll do some research and give you the facts.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Top 10.....
Farm Sink
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Benbrook Home

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Home Sales Rise in 2011
1. More jobs
2. Rising stock market wealth
3. Rising apartment rents
4. Continuing high affordability conditions
5. Home values at historically justifiable levels
6. Investors looking to hedge against inflation
7. Foreigners buying U.S. homes on the cheap
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
New Listing in Willow Park Village
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
20 Years of Interest Rates
Thursday, May 12, 2011
121 Star Point Lane

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Notice of Appraised Value
The protest process is pretty simple, however most homeowner's just don't take the time to do it. Never, ever, EVER pay one of those companies to do it for you!
If you purchased your home within the last year and your appraised amount exceeds what you paid for the property lowering your tax bill can be as easy as sending the appraisal district your HUD closing statement.
Let me know if I can help you out, I'd be happy to do so!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
This bathroom is so inviting.....definitely the kind that you can see yourself coming home to after a long day. These homeowner's chose to give it an elegant touch by adding a chandelier over the tub. This coupled with the tile accents give it great character.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Help Firefighters
The firefighters need supplies. If you are able to donate any of the following items the Fidelity National Title in Willow Park 5129 I-20 Service Rd. 817-441-5423 is a drop off station.
Dust masks
Lip balm (Carmex or Chapstick-style)
Eye drops
Anti-histamines or allergy medicines
Ibuprofin or Naproxin
Gatorade (powdered and bottled)
Nutritious snacks
High-protein nutrition bars
Sunscreen, especially 50+ SPF
Wet wipes & hand sanitizer
Garbage bags
Thank you!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Looking for an Investment?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Cove at Grand Peninsula